Our Quality
Qualité Volaille, a seal of quality

A quality label, certified by SOCOTEC Certification, that formalises the Group’s best practices and its commitment to continuous improvement. Qualité Volaille certifies our know-how and expertise in food safety and quality at all stages of the supply chain: food production, breeding, processing plant and logistics. It ensures full traceability along the entire production line. With Qualité Volaille, consumers are guaranteed the quality of the Group’s products.


Chickens are fed a healthy and balanced diet, made of carefully selected grains to ensure an optimal supply of energy, proteins, lipids, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Their nutrition is routinely monitored and controlled by experts. The birds are provided with nutrients that are adapted to their needs at each stage of their growth, as well as fresh and clean water, placed in feeders and waterers that are easily accessible to them.


Breeding farms adhere to strict biosecurity protocols: a secure environment (control of entry and exit of all people and vehicles), cleaning and disinfecting of buildings and equipment… The birds are reared on a litter floor and are regularly monitored by a veterinarian. A certificate attesting to their sound health is also issued upon their departure from the farms.


At the production plant, which is HACCP-certified, the slaughtering and packaging processes are subject to the same stringent hygiene protocols, in accordance with European standards, to prevent health hazards.


Qualité Volaille calls for compliance with the cold chain, until delivery of the products. The factory uses a state-of-the-art refrigeration system which preserves the quality of the product, while preventing bacterial growth. Word of advice to consumers: place your products in an insulated cooler bag at the supermarket to maintain the cold chain.